
iPlayCaroline is an inter-generational social and recreational group closely associated with the Brooktondale Community Center.  Group activities include table tennis, Wii, toddler playgroups, board games, ultimate frisbee, pick-up basketball and soccer games, pizza party/game nights, and more. We are interested in branching out to other activities (arts, music, tech/computer hobbies, cooking, nature skills, etc.) If would like to host a repeating or one-time event, please contact John Haines-Eitzen (jah242@cornell.edu, 607-592-6873)

iPlay Caroline offers a program through which adult volunteers can sign out keys to the BCC for “Open Play” sessions.  Through iPlay, particularly during the winter months, the BCC’s large multi-purpose room is a frequent home to impromptu games of Table Tennis, Wii, nerf dodgeball, cooking activites, toddler playgroups, and numerous other activities.  During the summer (or sometimes in winter!), outdoor pick-up games of basketball, soccer, or ultimate frisbee are arranged through the iPlay Google Group Listserv.

Click here for more information about iPlay’s key sign-out policies

Subscribe to iPlayCaroline@googlegroups.com by clicking here
You will receive a confirmation email in your inbox a few minutes after clicking the link. If you don’t, please contact John Haines-Eitzen at the above address to be added to the group.
